Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Congrats on Your First Trip Around the Sun!

Trevor had no idea - but it was going to be a party day for him! First stop - a play date at Stay and Play! We LOVE this place! After letting the kids burn off their energy we went to a Pizza place reccomended to us by Stay and Play. It was right on the train tracks and it had a HUGE trainscape and running trains on the second floor. VERY cool! Trevor was given some very thoughtful gifts but the BEST part we all enjoyed the most as a collective whole would have to be his first experience with eating cake! At first he was not so sure - but after he sucked some icing off of one of the dumptrucks from his cake - he was covered in the sugary icing.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Joining an elite 'Mile High Club'

I went to San Diego to give my testimony for another program Lisa Druxman - our founding mother of Stroller Strides, Fit for Baby and Lean Mommy. In January she is launching a DVD program called Momma Wants Her Body Back. I have lost over 135 pounds since the birth of our daughter and most of it was from the Stroller Strides Program, but over the last 6 weeks I used her DVD program and lost 15 more pounds! I was nervous as Rick was still and deployment, which meant Grandma came to our resue and watched M and T for me while I flew out to San Diego for the commmercial. Thank goodness! I am still breast feeding Trevor. I worked very hard to pump lots of extra milk for him and then took my pump with me for the trip. And there I was... sitting on the toilet seat lid on an airplane on my flight to San Diego. Not a lot of women can say they have pumped on an airplane! Pumping is a lot of work though... it not like I can just whip out a pump at a dinner table or in the middle fo the airport... I found myself on lots of bathroom toilet seat lids. At the hotel I discovered I did not have a freezer in my room. After each sessions I would bag up that liquid gold and walk to the lobby and one of their employees would take it and go put it in a freezer for me. A quick side story - they day I checked out of the resort they were unable to find my milk and I had to fly back home without it! They ended up finding it - of course I was sure the cooks would not have used it - and they shipped it to me fedex overnight packed in dry ice. Although I was initially beside myself that the milk had been lost I was surprised at their swift actions to locate and ship the milk to me back in CT.
While there I we stayed at La Costa Resort and Spa. I almost did not know how to act when I would go to bed at night in a huge King Size bed alone! Let alone going more than a few hours without worrying about my childrens nutritional needs and diaper changing demands.
I met several other woman whose lives had been changed because of one of the programs Lisa has created for mothers. I was so inspired by all of them.
I will never look at TV in the same light as I have now seen how a production actually works. It is amazing how much work is put into a 2 second shot! I do not see quitting my day job. One of the producers called to ask me a question as I was changing Trevor's diaper... he asked if I felt glamourous - like a super star? HAHAHAHA! Umm, No! I feel like the same me - but I hope my story of weigtloss will help insprie other mothers across the country to make their own strides in fitness - if not for themselves then for their children!
Lisa Druxman by the way is the MOST amazing person EVER to meet!  She is so sweet and sincere!  I Love her!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Stroll or Treat

I put together a cute Stroll or Treat themed Stroller Strides Class. Our location was the Crystal Mall and the kiddos were all dressed up in their costumes and were sweeter than candy! Our exercises were a lot of fun - 'mummy' lunges, pumpkin passes, and jack o jumps. I used our cones as 'houses' and we placed healthy snackers under the 'houses' for the kiddos to Trick or Treat after our workout. A Good time was had by all.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pumpkin Picking and Apple Appetites

Our Luna Mom’s Club, powered by Stroller Strides were able to meet for a sunny, early afternoon play date and walk through the apple orchard and play on the pumpkins. This meeting was actually a rain date as we originally planned to do this a week before but the rain and cold had us reschedule. It was well worth the wait as the weather was cool and the sun was shining bright!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rethinking the candy season - October is Family Health Month

I have fond childhood memories of taking long bike rides to a strawberry field and picking strawberries with my family. I believe I ate more than I actually managed to bring home. Although I was a late bloomer in my athletic abilities (as in my mid 20’s!) I was fortunate enough to have parents who would offer encouragement and support to participate in sports while growing up – they would be there in the bleachers cheering me on. They would also offer their time and support (and in my teenage mind what I thought was nagging) to go above and beyond and practice on my own and become more conditioned, stronger, better. We seemed to always be doing something fun outdoors – even if it was as simple as renting a paddle boat at a local park.
As a mother, I want to create opportunities to pass the same memories and hopefully passion for personal fitness that I have to my children. I look around however, and see the ‘Now Generation’ in a world of enticing video games that demand hours of one’s time to make any satisfying progress. I worry that my children will be among many other of their peers that will have a shortened life expectancy due to the more sedentary lifestyle our nation is leaning towards with every video game system release? Every toy that disables a child to slip further away from their imagination.
October is one of my favorite months of the year. Fall weather, no wait, FOOTBALL weather! October is also Family Health Month. One component of health is fitness! Even the network Noggin gets in on the month long event and shuts down the 24 hour preschooler television network for an entire day to encourage children and their families to get outside and play.
As a family we do quite a lot of active and hands on activities. This past summer, my daughter learned how to ride her bike with training wheels. I am anxiously looking forward to her growing stronger so she can ride her bike with me as I run. One day we went hiking in a state park and Meredith asked me if we could go kayaking. I have a memory to look forward to creating with her now as I promised her we would go as soon as she was strong enough.
Meredith also started dance classes last month and is learning about muscles and energy at school – bringing about an actual awareness of her body. As a mother, I feel protective of her – I want her to grow up with a healthy and positive body image. I wont be able to shield her away completely from those video games and negative media outlets that tend to ingrain images of what a girl or a woman is expected to look like – but I can encourage a healthy family lifestyle.

Tips from our house to yours:
· Eat at least one sit down meal together as a family DAILY– it enforces good eating habits and establishes a reconnection.
· Have the children help prepare meals. When they feel apart of the meal making process, they are more willing to try new things when prepared by them! Meredith tried broccoli and asparagus because she cooked them.
· Plan a fun active family event often: Go hiking, biking, skating, kite flying, build a fort, swimming, have races. Silly things that that get you moving – but mean the world to your little one. I often ask Meredith when she is holding my hand in a parking lot if she wants to skip to the store. If you ever see us skipping into Target – please honk!
· Clean together! We have Cinderella Saturdays. We all clean until the house is spotless – then we go get cleaned up ourselves and go play! Cleaning burns calories – and I think we burn a little more in our house because we jam out to booty shaking music while we dust and clean windows and squat to wipe baseboards.
· Be a good role model – our children look up to us – it all starts with ourselves. This goes for our actions as well as our words.

At Stroller Strides and Luna Mom’s Club of Southeastern Connecticut, we have a few special playgroups this month in support of Family Health Month. This Tuesday we will meet and let our toddlers show us what they know. After all, they watch our every moves. Members share with me that their child showed them a special stroller strides exercise – so come and show us your skills! We will also be hosting a stability ball soccer match next week. This is an event you don’t want to miss – my abs are hurting just thinking about how much laughing there is to be had. Get out there and ‘move it move it’ with your kids!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Meredith's First Field Trip

Meredith's Preschool class took their first field trip today. Trevor and I had the opportunity to tag along. It was at at Apple Orchard and Pumpkin Patch here locally - Wittle's. It was quaint and we covered just the right amount of area for their little feet to roam. As a mother I really enjoyed the experience and I am so thankful I am in a position to be able to take time out of my dat to attend her school activities. Her class had been preparing for a few weeks to attend the field trip. They are currently observing what happens to a pumpkin - decomposition. They also participated in a classroom apple tasting. Meredith also seems to grasp the concept that it take time to grow plants and to make food. Not too long ago we picked apples and tomorrow we are going to can them and make apple sauce for Trevor. Meredith is very excited and I find it fantastic that I am able to grab onto the shirt tales of what she is learning at school and bring it into our home.

Simple Wishes Product Review

I was given a Simple Wishes hands free pumping bustier to try out from Papoose. I really like it for hands free pumping. I was able to adjust the straps to custom fit the bustier to my needs and I actually pumped easier and better than I have while holding the pump the entire time. I was even able to sit, hold a book and read. The product can be worn all day - however I personally will not use it for daily wear because all of the lines are visible from the bra while wearing a t-shirt. I also question the velcro along the back - I worry if I make any sudden movements if the velcro would be compromised - sending me running to the nearest bathroom to reattach the velcro. This product is great if you are looking to sit down and read a book or type on the computer while pumping. You can go to http://www.simplewishes.com/simplewishes/home/home.html for further information on the Simple Wishes Bustier.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Quintessence Foundation Global Breast Feeding Challenge 2009 Latch On

Trevor and I particpated in the Quintessence Foundation 2009 Breast Feeding Challenge Latch On. We were invited to Papoose in Norwich, CT for this event. Groups of women with their babies from across the globe met together to 'latch on' at 11:00 a.m. to celebrate breasetfeeding and demonstrate promotion, protection and support for breastfeeding women and their families.
Papoose was a wonderfully comfy host site and we look forward to participating in the challenge next year. You can go to http://www.babyfriendly.ca/index.php for more information on particpating in or hosting a Latch On site for next years challenge!

Monday, September 28, 2009

PJ Themed Stroller Strides Class

Look at all of those kiddos in their pj's!! What you don't see are all of their mommies holding a plie squat while pulsing overhead tricep extensions singing twinkle twinkle little star'right in front of them. I love having the opportunity to lead fellow mommies in their strides towards fitness for motherhood. I am so thrilled to be a Stroller Strides Fitness Instructor to give back after experiencing a fitness lifestyle change and strolling into shape and losing 115 pounds along the way. Half of the battle is to show up - it is my job to give these mommies an awesome total body workout while entertaining the wee ones in their strollers. We had a goofy time wearing our pj's at the park - and we got in a serious workout. After class we met at the park for our Luna Mom's Club PLay date. We read Sandra Boyton's 'The Going to Bed Book' and then had some playtime roaming around the playscapes.

Rainy Sunday fun!

Last Sunday we drove to New Haven and ate at Frank Pepe Pizzaria Napoletana on Wooster Street. It was oh so yummy pizza! Meredith and Trevor fit right into their atmosphere. When we got there there was a line the length of the building! Luckily, we did not wait long. After our Wooster Street experience, we headed over to the Museum of Natural History at Yale University. I have never had the opporunitiy to see real dinosour fossils. I am not sure who was more amazed, me or Meredith? Trevor was very happy with his view from the Ergo Carrier. He is always happy, especially when I wear him in the ergo. We also got to see their mummy. Kind of sppoky as it is off in a dark corner of the exhibit. We are looking forward to visiting again soon.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Apple Picker need not apply!

Meredith, Trevor, and I arrived at Holmburg Orchard this weekend,not sure what to expect as this was our first time ever attempting apple picking. I went to scope out the place for a possible play group for our Luna Mom's club this coming month. It did not take long for me to see how much fun this place can be for a play group, let alone just the three of us! Meredith single-handedly picked a total of 17 pounds of apples! I was shocked when we brought them all up to be weighed. I have been looking online for good recipies for apples... any special requests or ideas feel free to let me know!

Mommies with a Mission

Luna Mom’s Club goal for Mommies With A Mission is to participate in activities focused on giving back to children, families, and the environment. This past Saturday Luna Mom’s Club participated in the 2009 CDSC Buddy Walk in Hammonasset State Park in Madison, CT. We walked for Team Sam! There were over 1600 people in attendance and over $88,000 raised! The funds raised helps to enhance the quality of life for individuals with Down Syndrome. Check out more at http://www.ctdownsyndrome.org/.

We personally had a fabulous time and met some amazing people along the walk. I even won a singing pirate skeleton in a raffle. Lucky me, he serenaded us on the drive home as Meredith played with him in the back seat. We look forward to participating in this event again next year!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Ready, Set, GO!

Race Day – March 24th 2006, Charleston, SC
The moment our daughter Meredith was placed in my arms I arrived to the starting line of the Motherhood Race. Her sweet newborn cry was the jolting ‘bang!’ that started this life long run. My strength to endure is my faith in God. Since the race has begun my husband and I navigated the route for 2 years and then we added another ‘leg’, Baby Trevor. I have started this blog to share our adventures in parenthood – my adventures in the motherhood race.
Today I am writing from South Eastern Connecticut. Due to the Navy’s needs, my husband moved us up here this past spring then had to leave us for a while. I had two choices – sit at home and allow the ‘rotten Groton’ mentality to paralyze our experience – or to embrace a ‘grow where planted’ mentality. I chose to pick up my roots and hit the ground running – all of New England and then some!
I am a 'GO' Girl. Every morning I wake up and pray for God to help me navigate through my thoughts, words, and actions. I ask him to help me be a better mom, wife, daughter, and friend. I have learned, the best way to get through each moment is what I call the 'manna system' - I get just enough strength to make it through challenges and obsticales. Whether this obsticale is presented in my goal to continue to live a healthful lifstyle, or the challenge of adjusting my parenting techniques (again, and again, and again).
It doesn't matter my time when I finish. What matters is what I did with the time given.